Gym Booking

Updated Operating Arrangements

Our Opening Hours are: Mon 9am-7pm, Tues-Fri 9am-3pm, Saturday 10am-2pm

The following measures continue to apply:

  • The number of Users in the Gym at any one time is limited to 6.
  • Use of the Gym requires booking in advance using the booking system below. Sessions can be booked up to 14 days in advance. “Walk in” sessions are not permitted.
  • Gym Sessions start on the hour and last for 55 minutes, leaving time for the last group of users to vacate the Gym before the next group enters. You must not visit if you or anyone in your household has Covid-19 symptoms or if you are generally feeling unwell (including with a temperature).
  • Entry to the gym is by the Cambrian Road Gate
  • Please do not arrive too early for your session- there is a waiting area outside the Gym next to Cambrian Road but you will not be permitted to enter the building until instructed to do so by the member of staff on duty at your allotted session time. In bad weather the gym instructor may invite you to wait in the corridor outside the gym. Please leave promptly at the end of your session.
  • We no longer accept cash payments. Gym Users can pay by standing order, or Pay As You Go by contactless card on arrival.
  • We continue to ask Gym Users to “do their bit” both in respect of personal hygiene (using hand sanitisers before a session) and wiping down equipment used. Cleaning products (sprays, hand sanitiser, paper towels) will be provided.
  • The shower and changing facilities remain out of use. Please turn up in suitable Gym attire, ready to exercise.
  • Water is available in the Gym but please bring your own personal bottle.
  • At busy times individual Gym users must not stay on the cross-trainer, treadmills, arm bike or rowing machine for longer than 10 minutes per session to allow others an opportunity to use them.
  • If you require close physical support during your Gym session, please call us to discuss before you book.

Booking A Session

If you would like to book a session, please select the date and time below. Please note that only available times will show.

Please also note that the booking system is for CURRENT MEMBERS ONLY. Please do not book using this service if you have not had an induction with a Gym instructor or visited the Gym for some time (longer than 3 months). Please ring the Gym on 020 8948 3351 (Option 1) to arrange an induction session or to discuss your circumstances.

After booking a Gym session you will receive a confirmation email with the time and date of the session. Check your spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox. The email will also include a cancellation link. If you can no longer attend a session you have booked, please cancel as soon as possible using the link and release the session for another Gym User.

As spaces are limited, multiple sessions booked and not attended, or cancelled, may result in a suspension of membership.

By booking a session you confirm you have read and understood the operating arrangements and have agreed to comply with them. If you are not seen to adhere to our practices you will be asked to leave the Gym.

To see how busy the Gym is, or to ensure that there are at least 2 slots available in your desired session if you are accompanied, then you can view the availability by clicking here

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