Gym Session Availability

The table below shows how many spaces are still available for each session.

Sessions start on the hour and there are a maximum of 6 bookings allowed for each.

Date 9:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:00
Mon 14th Oct12full3343546
Tue 15th Oct33333full    
Wed 16th Octfull325full3    
Thu 17th Oct1full3full4full5566
Fri 18th Oct154344    
Sat 19th Oct 1555     
Mon 21st Oct3444666556
Tue 22nd Oct544342    
Wed 23rd Oct552654    
Thu 24th Oct3446646566
Fri 25th Oct556666    
Sat 26th Oct 6665     
Mon 28th Oct5665666666

Table generated 3.34AM Monday 14/10/2024   REFRESH

If you have any problems working out when you are able to book, then please call the gym team on 020 8948 3351, Option 1 or email