Details of Activities

Further details of the activities listed in the What’s On page, including contact details for those interested in participating, are set out below.

Cambrian Community Choir

Mondays 12-2pm.

£7 per session
Pay as you go
No need to book

Everyone is welcome to come along and join us in our friendly community choir. We look at a wide range of songs, singing in harmony and learning to free our voices along the way. No auditions or experience necessary – no need to be able to read music- those new to singing are very welcome. Please note that the group only meets in term times.

Led by Deirdre O’Kelly, who has been teaching singing and leading choirs for over 20 years the choir is a fun, friendly and musical start to the week.

Contact: David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or

Yoga for Beginners

Tuesdays 10am-11am

£7 per session
Pay as you go

Please contact us to book

This beginners class provides gentle exercise and relaxation. It can help posture and balance and give you valuable time and space to clear your mind and unwind.

Led by Noreen Donovan who has many years experience of yoga teaching for all ages and ability ranges.First session free subsequently £6 per session.

For more information contact David Lemon-Manager at the Cambrian Community Centre on 020 8948 3351 or email

Cambrian Drawing Group

Fridays 10.00-12.30

£8 per session
Pay as you go
No need to book

Materials and tuition included in the fee. Beginners welcome. Doors open 30mins before the scheduled start.

Contact: David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or by email:

Please note that there is a separate Life Drawing Class.

Papier Mâché Group

Fridays 1-3pm


Papier Mache literally means chewed paper and was invented in China in the Second Century. It has been used as a creative technique for centuries, far and wide and with very varied applications. For example, it has been used for stucco mouldings, boats, furniture, colourful products for folk traditions, picture frames, decorative boxes, screens, paintings and trays, puppets but also fun and frivolous animal sculptures to name but a few! The technique is simplicity itself, all you need is paper (any kind- good for the recycling!), a flour and water based glue, sometimes a little wire and masking but most importantly, imagination. It is fun and sticky and everyone can do it!

Contact: David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or email for more information.

English as an Additional Language (EAL) – Conversation

10.30am to 12pm Wednesdays

Creative Writing Group

First Tues of every month 11.30-1.30

£7.50 per session
Pay as you go

Always wanted to do some writing? Have ideas for a book or a poem but not sure how to start? Want to record your life experiences or the story of an interesting relation? Come along to a friendly, supportive writing group led by creative writing tutor Gwen MacKeith. 

Gwen is a writer and translator of fiction, poetry and theatre from Spain and Latin America, and a fiction editor for the arts quarterly, Ambit magazine. Her translation of Los Siameses/Siamese Twins by Griselda Gambaro (1928) was performed and published by Oberon Books in 2011.

The group meets on the first Tuesday of every month from 12.30-2.30.

Contact:- David Lemon 020 8948 3351 or via email:


Thursdays 9.15-1pm

Hartbeeps take you and your little one on a different sound journey every week… exploring real life from the safety of our beautiful sets… we set the scene, tell the story and make magic happen!

9.15am- Toddlers

10.30am- Crawlers

11.45am- Baby Belles

1pm Extra session

Contact: TBC

Table Tennis

Tuesdays 2.o0pm- 4pm.

A small, friendly group; no experience necessary.

If this time does not work for you but you would like to play then please let us know and we will look at holding another session.

Contact:- David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or via email:

Pilates- 2 sessions beginning at 2.25pm and 3.15pm

Mondays 2.25 and 3.15 for 40 minutes

£7 per session
Pay as you go
Please contact us to book

Pilates strengthens the body and mind, improves flexibility, mobility and stability, encourages body awareness and prevents injury. Our classes are designed for all levels and we welcome everyone, even if you’ve never tried Pilates before.

Contact:- David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or via email:

Cardiac Exercise Group

Fridays 1.30pm-2.30pm

£7 per session

Pay as you go

Please contact us to book

Regular exercise is known to benefit health and can improve the long-term prognosis of people who develop Cardio-Vascular disease by improving their cardiovascular fitness. Current guidelines state that to gain health benefits we all need to do physical activity on most days of the week, at a moderate intensity level for at least 30 minutes. The group will be a friendly and supportive environment for those seeking to achieve this.

Contact:- David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or via email: manager@cambriancentre

Gentle Weights

Tuesdays 12.45-1.45pm

£7 per session

Pay as you go

Please contact us to book

Regular exercise is known to benefit health and can improve the long-term health conditions. Our gentle weights group improved strength and balance. The group will be a friendly and supportive environment for those seeking to achieve greater tone and strength.

Contact:- David Lemon on 020 8948 3351 or via email: manager@cambriancentre