Contacting the Centre
Before you get in touch, please check the relevant pages of the web site to see if the information you need is already there.
For enquiries about community activities, room hire and the Centre as a whole, please contact the Centre Manager on 020 8948 3351 (Option 2). You can also email the manager by clicking this link:
To book or change Gym appointments, please use the Gym booking page and/or your booking confirmation email. Or call us on 020 8948 3351 (Option 1) or email the Gym by clicking this link:
Visiting the Centre
Our address is:
The Cambrian Community Centre.
Caplan Court,
1 Grove Road,
TW10 6SN
To reach us by bus, take the number 371 from Richmond to Kingston. Alight at the Cambrian Road stop in Queen’s Road. For more information about public transport in the borough, please visit the borough web site.
There is parking available in the local residential area for centre users and there are 2 blue badge spaces directly outside the centre on Cambrian Road.
We are approximately 15 minutes walk from Richmond Station.
The map below shows our location.