Hi all,
The gym and all centre activities will be closed on Monday 27th May for the Bank Holiday. Everything will be operating as per normal from Tuesday 28th.
Many thanks!
Hi all,
The gym and all centre activities will be closed on Monday 27th May for the Bank Holiday. Everything will be operating as per normal from Tuesday 28th.
Many thanks!
We are delighted to announce that we will be extending the gym opening hours from Monday 5th February. This is in line with requests from our survey of users in 2023 and in the light of increased usage of the gym.
A new afternoon/early evening session will run on Mondays from 3pm to 7pm. There will also be a session on Wednesday afternoons from 12-3pm. These opening hours will run until June 2024 at which point we will review take up of the new slots. Please do make use of the new sessions and if you like the service mention it to your friends and family!
Please note that bookings for the new slots won’t be able to made on the website until Thurdsay 1st February.
In addition to the new gym slots we will be launching a new cardiac group session. This will be established later in the year. If you are interested please mention it to the gym team and we will make a note to contact you when more information on the group session is available.
As always if there are any questions on this please feel free to email or call the centre.
We are delighted to be hosting a visit by Clare from the South West London Energy Advice Partnership (SWLEAP) on Wednesday 29th November as part of the Real Junk Food Cafe Session (so pop in get a lovely warm lunch as well!).
As temperatures drop and worries about energy bills rise SWLEAP will offer practical advice and guidance to reduce bills and increase the energy efficiency of your home. This includes fitting LEDs, radiator foils and draught proofing. Clare will also have a number of free warm home packs for people who may benefit.
The session runs from 11.30-1.30 on Wednesday 29th November.
We were delighted at the response to the first ever Your Community Centre week in Richmond. During the week 10 local community centres worked together to promote the richness and diversity of activities and experience available in the borough. Two vintage bus tours took passengers on tour of the borough’s Centres with a commentary provided by Angela Ivey of Visit Richmond. At the destination points (Whitton Centre on Tuesday 12th and Castelnau Centre on Friday 15th) passengers were treated to a classic cream tea and musical entertainment. Both of these tours sold out. We hope to run the week again in 2024. Our thanks to everyone who took part!
Richmond upon Thames, is fortunate enough to have ten independent community centres, each providing services, activities, support and facilities that contribute to lively community life in our lovely borough.
We are delighted to be taking part in the first Your Community Centre Week in Richmond. The week is a chance to shine a spotlight on the fantastic activities provided in the Community Centres found in the borough. There will also be two vintage bus tours taking passengers on a magical mystery tour around the participating centres.
We have produced the following map to outline the participating centres.
Please mosey on down to the Cambrian Centre for a free musical theatre performance by the Rah Rah Theatre Co on 21st June at 4pm. Country Roads is a Country and Western themed show for young and old featuring all the great Country and Western hits. The show will take place in the atrium of Dickson House.
The Cambrian Community Centre was delighted to host a visit by Sarah Olney MP last week to see the new Real Junk Food Cafe session running at the Centre on a Wednesday. The project utilises surplus food from local supermarkets to make a fresh and healthy lunch for visitors. There is also the opportunity to take home surplus food. The cafe and food distribution works on a “pay as you feel” basis and has been very well received by everyone who has visited. If you haven’t tried it, please come down and visit. Sarah enjoyed a lunch of soup, chicken couscous and dessert and enjoyed chatting to the local residents. The cafe is open every Wednesday 11.30-1.30.
The Gym and Community Centre will be closed for the upcoming bank holidays. These are
Friday 7th April
Monday 10th April
Monday 1st May
Monday 8th May (Coronation)
Monday 29th May
We are delighted that on Wednesday 15th March the Real Junk Food Project will be starting to offer lunches and surplus food distribution from the Cambrian Community Centre. The cafe will be open from 11.30-1.30 for “pay as you feel” lunches. We look forward to welcoming you!
Come and join the Cambrian Community Choir for carols, mulled wine and festive snacks from 6pm on Monday 12th December.